
6 Things You Have to Prepare Before Trekking to Mount Rinjani

Before the story goes to the next stage, let me tell you guys about porter and related stuffs which you have to concern before the days start. These things are pretty important because they will affect your long term journeys. My team was planning to have a full Rinjani trip, it usually starts from Sembalun Village to the summit, and then going down to Segara Anak Lake and going back through Senaru Trek, so it will be approximately spent like 5 days 4 night. Are you now wondering how much logistics we have to bring to cover the whole days ? That’s why this one becomes the first point of the most important things you have to prepare before starting the Mount Rinjani Trip.

1. Porter
This is exactly what you must prepare very well. As I said above, this will affect your journeys. By paying the porter, it means you will receive full service, you don’t need to worry about the food, sleep, and other personal stuffs you need to carry. This number one list will be pretty much worth to pay if you aim to enjoy the fresh air, beautiful view, and taking picture. Well, at least they will decrease your burdens. There are so many travel agents which offer such full packages of Mt. Rinjani. They usually offer some alternative packages, it depends on how many days you wanna choose. Since I didn’t use any agency, here’s some top lists I browsed whose very popular for this kind of thing.
Porter for foreigners
GALANG IJO: (PRIVATE DELUXE = 184 + 9 (western union) = 193 euros)
RINJANI TREK CLUB (STANDARD SERVICE = 175 5 (paypal commision) 15 (previous hotel) = 195 euros)
The prices of all of them are more or less similar and based on the review I browsed, all of them are very polite and helpful.
Porter for Indonesian
    If you are on tight budget, you can use this method like I did.
    • Local porter : 300.000 IDR/person/night (the standard is for 4 person we need to hire 2 porters. The porter will bring our logistic such as foods, water, tents.)
    • Logistic for 4 nights : 200.000/IDR/Person (this is very ordinary menu, do not imagine of having a chicken curry, or roasted chicken as some foreigners have for eating.
    • The rest is, you have to bring your personal belongings
    • It’s really much cheaper but I don’t recommend this to foreigners, since its limited standard of serving.
    2. Choose the routes
    There are some routes that you have to consider before going for Rinjani trip. Choosing where you should start the journey is honestly quite tricky, but we can start with the place which mostly hiked by tourists. Sembalun village is the most popular. Even though, it has longer track, the journey would be more enjoyable due to its flat trek. 
    Another one is, Senaru which usually be the last track to descend down the trail. Meanwhile, it’s 700 meter shorter than Sembalun, but the trek is freaking harder, step and slippery. Senaru also has different kind of view which mostly contained by tropical rain forest.

    3. Standard Hiking gears
    The Rinjani mountain is the third highest peak active volcano in Indonesia and absolutely a challenging mountain walk and you must be prepared with good equipments, warm and windproof clothing if you want to make adventure trekking to the summit of Rinjani mountain 3726 m. 
    Wind breaker jacket – try to looking for this kind of jacket will probably so much helpful especially on the night. Plawangan Sembalun where the camp would be built are located on 2000 masl. You have to not only concern about the temperature degree but also the strong wind, particularly on your upcoming summit attack.
    Sleeping bag and mattress – this is like a mandatory thing of hiking gears, used in order to make your sleep tightly in a tent.
    Shoes – Anything footwear you can use, please do not ever use sandals because it would be a very long journey, using sandals will just only evoke such a new problem, either the scratched feet or broken sandals. If you don’t have hiking shoes, running shoes would be okay.
    Proper Clothes – Don’t bring too many clothes, just make sure those ones which would be used. For example, for 5D4N, I brought 1 jacket, 1 sweater, 1 long-sleeves shirt, 2 t-shirt or you probably need long-john (it’s actually very useful to reduce cold), 2 leggings (both of them are for trekking), 1 trousers (this one especially for sleep), 3 pair of socks, 1 raincoat, 1 buff, 1 scarf, 1 hat, and 1 sandal. Those i mentioned above are pretty much enough.
    Hiking Bag – It’s actually one of my friend problems. Well, she did not hike much before hence she thought she didn’t need to buy a hiking carrier. It’s totally a bad idea, because hiking carrier is specially made for hikers, this would be affect on how you carry your loads on your spine.
    Trekking Pole – it’s not the essential things, but you’d need it so much when you climb up the summit. Given the volcanic gravel, the climb consisted of regularly climbing two steps forward only to slide at least one back. And use only one is already good enough.

    4. Physics and Mental – Do some exercises at least 2 months before the day. Along with the physics issue, mental is also needed. Prepare your mental, and believe yourself that nothing is impossible and ensure that miracle will never exist in this case. The one that would brought you to the top and finish the line is only yourself, no one else. 
    You probably would said that you were tired either on the half way of the journey or even on the few hours before the journey finishes. And that would be the moment when you had to convince yourself to stop complaining and keep walking. It’s just a glimpse mind of a spoiled human being. After all of these over, you’re going to prove it that your limit is beyond expectation and proudly say “I finally made it”

    5. Camera – Please never say that you are not good enough of taking a photo because you are not required to be a good photographer for only keep the moments onto pictures. “Oh i don’t wanna be too busy taking picture hence I cannot enjoy the view”, that’s bullshit, you’re not gonna let those moments fade away without any proof, right ? 
    So bring your camera for at least doing a selfie on the summit or take a photo of you with the magnificent Segara Anak Lake as the background.

    6. Pray – the last but not least is praying. Remember, how perfect you have prepared everything, you would not be able to change the destiny. Pray for the good things and asked for the bad things to be disappear.
    Congratulation, you’ve just read these things before trekking to Mount Rinjani, because you just read what the experience person wrote. Now make a check list and do those things. Nature always has wide open door for its lovers, but remember that nature is not only yours, it’s ours. Please keep it safe, and never hurt it.

    Check out the full video of Mount Rinjani Trip on this link


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