
Photo Story : Faces of Flores, NTT

Face of Flores
Here i decided to will always make a posting about face of place that i visited. Sebenernya udah lama banget suka tipe foto Human Interest, tapi gak pede karena ngerasa hasilnya biasa aja, but hey...then i am thinking, human interest portraits are good not because the great technique you use or how expensive lenses you hold, but it's all about the moment, the expression, the emotion, the soul. Faces of Flores is my first portrait photography post. Hope there would be other upcoming ones. Enjoy !
Bintang, Jihan, Ika, kids of Pu'u Village, Ruteng, Flores were doing a pose for a candy gifts.
What's that ? I said. While looking at my face they said It's Coffee !
Bapak Kepala Desa Pu'u
Ibu Kepala Desa yang sangat murah senyum
The kid who accompanied me to Ogi Waterfall, her name is Angel.
Farmer in Bajawa, NTT
Candid of kid who just had finished her shower time.
Transaksi di lakukan melewati kawat yang sengaja di lubangi.
Mama of Bena Village
Proses menenun di Desa Bena, NTT
"Kakaaa...ayo foto saya" sahut adik kecil ini
Favorite of mine ! Semua penghuni di desa bena berjualan kain tenun, tapi tidak pernah ada kesan memaksa.
Interesting signage with activities behind.
PS : All photos were taken with Samsung NX30 using tele lens 50-200mm F4-5,6. Taken when i was traveling in Flores, NTT, Indonesia.


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