
3 reasons why you have to take Diving License

"Taking Scuba Diving License is one of the right decisions of my life”

A simple sentence I declare right after passed the Scuba Diving License final test. You may think more than once time to decide, don’t be worry, because that is also happened to me.
It’s been a long time delayed for finally I have my own diving license. I couldn’t be more happier, it felt happier than having a driving license. But, there always be the process behind everything. I actually was planning to take the diving course since long time ago, but it was always be postponed due to my overthinking of “do I really need the diving license ?” We all know that Diving is an expensive sport. The cost that will be spent is not cheap, including the course cost and all the equipments price. Meanwhile, for your kind consideration, I would like to review by give the rate from 1 to 10 why you have to take a diving license in your life.

Experience = 5
It’s almost 50% of what i  got from Diving course are experiences. Experiences that change into new lesson, and the new lesson that might cannot be gotten in school life. Well, I never have a plan to see another habitat or other kind of life beside the land that we stand. And I also never imagine to breath constantly through the mouth in the deep blue sea for long time, evenmore for the first time. After all the 2 theory classes and 3 practice classes, i could stated that the only solution of solving the panic level of someone is taking a diving course. Yes, Diving is an extreme sport, there are only 2 choices ; read and obey all of the regulations or the deep blue sea will take you over.
Short story about how a scuba diving can influence the panic level of someone. When we go scuba diving, literally our life will be depended on the gas tank that consisted by 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen. How if the gas is out ? how if there is an error of tank function ? how if the regulator cable is broken ? how if we were lost away from group ? how if the dive master do not recognize our lost ? or how if as a diver i am not capable to do either the standard technics or emergency technics ? All could happen with death as the potential result. Yes it is possible to be happened as the course also obligates us to learn how to solve decreasing those probabilities. But, do you know that all of the solutions will be turn into useless when we were panic ? someone tends to be reckless and cannot think rationally which is obviously will harm themselves.

It's just amazing to know and experience another way to survive in the different place, in a place where i don't used to live, in a place where i just come as a guest, in a place where humans are not considered as the king of God creatures. It's just amazing to feel that you lean your life to nothing but you, you are the only one who can control yourself, no one will help you instead of those group of fishes or those beautiful colorful corals who only could looking at you. Diving has improved my life.

Indonesia Underwater beauty = 3
Hey we live in a country which consisted by 80% of sea, How can you not dive ? The Indonesia archipelago is famous by its world class diving and exciting underwater beauty. It's like the world issue, many foreigners come to Indonesia because of its genuine mother nature. To repeatly say, Indonesia is home to over quarter of the world's marine life. Now, do you still think twice to get the diving license ? I realize that my love of the sea has brought me here, i was the one who is too much overrated to water, for me the only way to enjoying the sea is going inside and dancing together. 
I remember when i was i child i have a dream to experience all of Indonesia seas, to going inside and see the differences of habitat that each of them have. The species richness of coral reefs, fish, and other marine life looks abundant in waters Alor, East Nusa Tenggara. Coral Triangle which is also known as the "Amazon of the Seas" includes the territorial waters of the central and eastern Indonesia, East Timor, Sabah, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands is expected home to about 3,000 species of fish. Seeing marine creatures such as dolphins at very close range, following them on their journeys and watching them eat and lay while you gently swim, is a unique experience that cannot be replicated in a dolphinarium show.

Necessity = 2
Realizing of my addiction of exploring the sea, then i didn't think twice to get my diving license. The license i got is not only will provide the lesson how to dive well and how to recognize your diving equipments, but also it will be used to support some different diving regulation on different sea. It doesn't mean you cannot dive without the license, but there are seas that are too dangerous for people who don't have enough skills of diving. Some of them disallow ordinary people without the diving license to dive. 
As i said, Scuba Diving is not cheap, you may spend much for your own dive gears and the fee of the dive. By having a licensem we can get the 30% cheaper price. Scuba Diving is addicted, once you plunge into the sea, it will be not your last time.
I might be a newbie, but i promise to show you the more beauties of underwater life.


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